We will be open on Monday but plan to close early for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, at 5:00 PM ET. Also, we will be closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
Regular hours begin again on January 2nd. Mon - Sat, Noon to 8 PM ET. Closed Sundays.
Loretta Puncer has a new showcase for her work. Thus, 510 East Fifth Street in the Oregon District is now known as "Gallery 510". Loretta's work is already 'making waves' with the sale of "Mediterranean Evening", shown here with the artist.
Visit the Oregon District's latest addition, "Gallery 510", at 510 E. 5th St., Dayton, OH, 45402.
There's a lot going on in and around Dayton this weekend, not to mention Thanksgiving, and we're excited and yes, thankful, for every bit of it.
Our friend, the "Charming Miss" (from my previous post) was back in the Oregon District on Tuesday. This time she was visiting the district in street clothes, but her enthusiasm is boundless. Even as a regular person, 'off-duty' as it were, I saw her entertaining a man-in-the-street with an amazing bit of mime. I've had some small experience with stagecraft and showmanship so I understand the feeling. When one enjoys performing the show never really ends. I know for a fact that, if I were a part of something as incredible as Cirque du Soleil, I too would be constantly bubbling with enthusiasm for the organization.
Cirque du Soleil will present their show, "Saltimbanco", in the Ervin J. Nutter Center at Wright State University on Wednesday the 21st with more shows scheduled Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
If the greatest acrobatic performers in the world aren't your thing, how about 'The Greatest Show on Earth?" Also in town this weekend is Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus at Hara Arena.
Have time for a bit more? How about heading downtown to take in the Abba based musical, "Mamma Mia" at the Schuster Center? And/or catch one of the outstanding films currently playing at The Neon Movies!
The Grande Illumination takes place Friday night on Courthouse Square, with the tree lighting at 8:05 pm. Also, the Dayton Children's Parade welcomes Santa Claus to town on Sunday beginning at 2:00 pm!
Oh, you probably won't have time for any of that because you want to get some shopping done. But wait! The best gifts often come from the most unexpected places. Have you taken a good look around the amazing shops in the Oregon District?
Our store for instance... Bonnett's Book Store, has books for all interests. Books make a lasting impression and are great gifts. A few funny comics (Mickey Mouse, Archie, Richie Rich, etc.) or children's books are perfect as inexpensive stocking stuffers (10 cents and up). We also have collectible books, comics, magazines, and we now have a growing selection of DVDs! We accept all major credit cards and we now offer gift certificates good for anything we sell (because book lovers can be very picky people).
Don't forget about Sterling Studio Jewelry, Feather's Vintage Clothing & More, Gem City Records (they still have actual vinyl records for collectors!), Jimmy Modern for furnishings and decor, Hollywood Handbags, and, believe it or not, Goodwill! Aside from their typical used items, Goodwill now has iPod and cell-phone accessories, Nintendo DS game cartridges, and all kinds of other great things.
Then there's all the great places to grab a bite while you're in the Oregon District. Non-bar dining includes Arby's, Smokin' BBQ (great food!), 5th Street Deli, The Oregon Emporium, and our personal favorite, Dolcessa for panini, gelato, and espresso. For more serious dining there's Jay's Seafood and Steaks, Cafe Boulevard, Pacchia, The Dublin Pub, and newest addition, John Henry's. For bar dining there's The Oregon Express, The Tumbleweed Connection, and The Trolley Stop.
Wanna just dance, party, or grab a drink after a hectic day? Hit up Ned Pepper's or Sloopy's!
The Oregon District has something for everybody. Don't forget to make it part of your shopping experience. We'll thank you, your gift recipients will thank you, and best of all, you'll thank yourself for shopping and saving in Dayton's first, oldest, and most interesting destination. The Historic Oregon District!
Representatives of Cirque du Soleil's "Saltimbanco" were promoting in the Oregon District this afternoon. This charming woman and two "tall gents" on stilts were going door-to-door to announce Cirque's arrival. These photos were taken by Sam Vacca of "Sterling Studio Jewelry", edited by me and are used here with permission. The subject line of this post links to the "Saltimbanco" page on CirqueDuSoleil.com
"Saltimbanco" will appear at Wright State University's Ervin J. Nutter Center, on 11/21 and 11/23-25.
Promoters of Cirque du Soleil's "Saltimbanco" covered both sides of East Fifth Street to spread the word.
'Charming Miss' browses Hollywood Handbags while 'Tall Gents' on stilts speak with Austin from Derailed.
An article about the Dayton Arcade found on a great site for those interested in preserving and revitalizing Ohio's historic and endangered architecture.
Bill Woody's marvelous art photos of and in the Dayton Arcade. Another batch I wish I'd shot. Heck, I wish I could arrange an opportunity for such a shoot. Perhaps that's an idea for fund-raising? Of course, I should be allowed to do it free, now, for coming up with the idea. ;-)
The links in this post lead directly to an article about the Dayton Arcade. It's a rather strange idea for a website but it does make for some fascinating reading.
The Dayton Daily News reports approximately 500 people showed up to tour the Dayton Arcade during Urban Nights. I arrived early to find about 15 people outside waiting for tours to begin. More people were constantly arriving. I was there for photographs, as were many others. I don't know how much time I spent shooting but I came away with ninety images of the space and some of it's details. It was disappointing that visitors couldn't leave the ground floor. There would have been a lot more interesting photos if the second floor and the below-ground (food court) level had been accessible. I will post a link to my Dayton Arcade photo gallery as soon as it's online.
Urban Nights is here again. Tour the Arcade (you may not get another chance) and check out what's happening in the Oregon District. Click the subject of this post for a link to more info.
Free tours inside Dayton's great Arcade will be available during Urban Nights on Friday September 14th from 5p - 10p. Please visit and support the Dayton Arcade. Don't miss what may be your last opportunity to see this once grand place that could be glorious once again.
Until finding the article linked above (click the title of this post) I'd never heard of Andrew Dowdy or his shop, Other Times Books. It sounds like it was a wonderful place.
The realizations that Mr. Dowdy came to, regarding books in this byte-based age, ring all too true. It's something that crosses my mind every single day. I'm a big fan of digital information. I've even gone as far as rationalizing that Bonnett's is a book store because print was the only portable format for data when the doors opened in 1939. There are many more options now, many of which require no permanent product for the end-user at all, so long as we have smart devices that can interpret our favorite data files.
But what happens to our data if something catastrophic happens and there's no power left to run the devices and digitally deliver the data?
Paper lasts a long time. Generations. Long enough to be memorized, copied, re-copied, distributed, handed down, stored, and safe-guarded.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, the works of Da Vinci, Shakespeare, Beethoven, Mozart, and the Constitution of the United States of America have all survived for a very long time on paper. Perhaps the Constitution isn't doing so well, but that's another matter that has little to do with the paper it's on.
We may make room for newer forms of information and entertainment from time to time, but as long as there is a Bonnett's Book Store there will be books on our shelves.
Obtuse terms like "less is more" occasionally trouble my mind, but this weekend, so far, feels like it fits the term. PulpCon has always been an intense event for us... to the point of creating frazzled nerves and a slight feeling of relief when it was over. The past few years we haven't had the numerous offerings that we had through the '80s and '90s, but it was still something of a pressure-cooker weekend. This year we've got fewer actual Pulps than ever, but there are plenty of near-pulp and pulp-related items available. In short, the lighter load has been a blessing in a more relaxed in-store atmosphere and a friendlier rapport with our PulpCon visitors. I look forward to doing it again. Less is more... less stress is a more favorable environment for everyone. Enjoy the remainder of PulpCon 36.
Right off the bat, let me make clear that the gallery linked in the subject line (above) is NOT A CATALOG OF ITEMS FOR SALE.
PulpCon is right around the corner and I've been scanning covers of our items for the last couple of years. These are high resolution scans of (some) very well read items. Details are clear, including the historically relevant "Guy's," "Jordan's," and, of course, "Bonnett's" labels and store stamps.*
Many of the items have already been sold and some are still available by in-store visit. The images are for reference only and not to be used elsewhere. More are coming. I just thought I would share my efforts for any interested parties.
Please visit us if you're in Dayton for the Pulp Convention. We're just 3 long blocks east of the Dayton Convention Center. It's walking distance and there are many other fine establishments en route.
Urban Nights was a big success in the Oregon District last night. Please leave a comment with your thoughts about related events anywhere in Downtown Dayton.
Many people came out to see all the great things downtown Dayton has to offer. At Bonnett's Book Store we stayed open until 10 p.m., two hours later than usual, to give Urban Nights visitors a chance to see what we offer during regular hours, Noon - 8 p.m., Monday - Saturday (Closed Sundays).
The streets were bustling with visitors from Hamvention at Hara Arena, A World Affair at the Dayton Convention Center, as well as those who came down just for Urban Nights. I hope the "triple threat" crowd didn't put anyone off by making it seem TOO crowded. Street musicians were out in force, some were regulars while others joined in just for Urban Nights. The street scene is always fascinating on East Fifth. You could almost make a second job of crowd-watching down here on weekends.
I can only speak to what went on in our immediate vicinity since we were manning our store, but what we could see was a pleasure. Dolcessa, one of the newest businesses in the historic Oregon District, did a brisk business with their offerings of gelato, espresso, and panini. At times there was a line out the door waiting to order, and I promise, everyone who did so will tell you it's worth the wait. Sterling Studio looked to be quite busy with their offerings of custom jewelry, incense, and gifts. Derailed Hair Salon had a table out front with a bit of a party going on inside. Derailed is known to host the occasional gallery featuring works by local artists. There is a banner in the storefront next to ours proclaiming "Nail Salon Grand Opening July 2007", so that's something that will be new for the next Urban Nights even in the Fall.
All in all there were many smiling faces enjoying some of the one-of-a-kind offerings of downtown Dayton, Ohio. If you couldn't make it out for Urban Nights I recommend coming downtown Saturday visit these places and many more. On Saturday and Sunday you can take in "A World Affair" at the Convention Center. And, through next weekend, you can take a walk to see the lifelike statues scattered throughout downtown, one of which is Marilyn Monroe in her famous skirt blowing pose from "The Seven Year Itch".
Speaking of Marilyn Monroe, I'm looking forward to attending the Marilyn show at the Dayton Art Institute. I believe that show runs into July, but don't wait until the last few weekends or you'll have trouble finding parking due to large "last chance" crowds.
Some great places I visit whenever I can are The Tumbleweed Connection, Feather's Vintage, 5th Street Wine & Deli, The Oregon Emporium, Jay's Seafood, The Oregon Express, Gem City Records, Smokin' BBQ, The Neon Movies, Goodwill, Da Da Gallery, The Dublin Pub, and my favorite lunch spot The Trolley Stop.
There's much more, like Coco's Restaurant, Urban Krag Indoor Climbing, Jasper Wall Studio featuring Boston Stoker Coffee, Glenn Scott's Oregon District Tattoo featuring 'The Tattoo Team' as seen on "Miami Valley Ink", The Nite Owl, Newcom's Tavern, Pacchia aka The Jazz Room, Pearl Night Club in the old Diner, Cafe Boulevard and their pub Le Monde, Wiley's Comedy Club, Ned Pepper's Bar & Grille, The Look, and Sloopy's.
If that's not enough for you there's more on the way... look for John Henry's opening soon where The Blue Moon used to be and a yet-to-be-named nail salon where Just Fishit Aquatics was at 504 E. 5th St. FYI, Just Fishit is still in operation but business became so brisk that maintaining a storefront was actually slowing it down. Check them out at www.fishit.net.
Finally, here are some fun promotional videos for Urban Nights. We hope to see you all again soon. Bring friends. And don't forget that daytime is pretty awesome downtown, too. Enjoy!
*I began adding links to everything mentioned in this article, but there's just too much great stuff in downtown Dayton and the Oregon District. Please use your favorite search engine to learn more about anything mentioned in this article.
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