Good article. I was happy to be reminded of A. E. Van Vogt's "The Weapon Shops of Isher", a must read.
Dumb Looks Still Free: Masters of... hey wait a second!
The Hitchcock Project-The Safe Place by Michael Hogan [3.36]
by Jack Seabrook
"The Safe Place" is based on a short story called "The Unsuspected," by Jay
Wilson, which was first published in the February 8, 1958 issu...
15 hours ago
My thanks! It has been literal decades since I visited Dayton, and that was for the aircraft museum... my ability to read has been curtailed but at least I enjoy reading again, which is a huge plus, due to that I am unlikely to be a customer. But my *memories* are still intact and the time spent in other lands and eras are well remembered. I do agree with Pournelle that short stories or the pre-1960's short novel is the right format for a movie or shortened telenovel and Weapons Shop of Isher would be perfect for either format... so many good stories out there that could benefit from a wider audience, it does make me wonder why we keep getting the same old formulas again and again.