It occurred to me that a lot of folks may not be aware that we accept credit cards and debit cards, too. Now you know.
Here are a few items to help you and yours get into the Holiday spirit. And, when you're looking for special gifts, you can find something on our shelves for just about everyone on your list. Our discount comic books make great stocking stuffers for the kids (or a good cheap way to keep them occupied while you put lights on the tree). Stop in and take a look around. And remember, if you don't see what you're looking for, just ask and we'll point you in the right direction.
Foursquare users, during the Holiday Season, check-in and tell your friends you're at Bonnett's Book Store for a 20% discount!
Open Mon-Sat, Noon-8pm, sometimes later.
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The Children of Dickens (1933)

Holiday Recipes & Chocolate Ecstasy

A Christmas Treasury of Yuletide Stories & Poems

The Snowman Who Wanted to Stay

Elf - (DVD)

It Happened of 5th Avenue - (DVD)