Two new links have been added to the sidebar. Most readers of this blog will already be familiar with the first: is an excellent source of information about most all aspects of life in downtown Dayton and the region as a whole. You'll find news and information about upcoming events of all kinds and you can throw in your two-cents worth by joining in on the discussions there.
I've been meaning to include it's link here many times for a long while and something has always interrupted my workflow at those moments. Now, it is done! Partake, enjoy, and tell your friends about
The next link isn't as well known, yet, but I find myself tripping over it more and more often as I wander the Internet. With a name like Delectable Dayton you'd think this was a food site, but it's focus is neighborhood improvement projects.
Most of the articles that have caught my attention so far are proposals or reports on projects/ideas in their earliest stages. Because of that fact there is little or nothing yet to be seen, so, many articles are accompanied by photos of other places which have done similar things, helping to illustrate the possibilities.
Finally, added to the Links List, there's Food vs. Face! FvF features recipes for many tasty dishes and the best reviews of the local restaurants few others are likely to review.
I love to eat cheap, enjoy what I eat, and have fun doing it! If you agree with that statement Food vs. Face will help you explore cuisine in the Dayton area.
Bon Apetit!
Enjoy the new links!
JFS72: High Noon (1952)
Your boys are back with a classic old timey western this week.
First up, Sean and Parker rank (canonically and objectively) the last 10
movies watched fo...
6 hours ago