An article about the Dayton Arcade found on a great site for those interested in preserving and revitalizing Ohio's historic and endangered architecture.
Bill Woody's marvelous art photos of and in the Dayton Arcade. Another batch I wish I'd shot. Heck, I wish I could arrange an opportunity for such a shoot. Perhaps that's an idea for fund-raising? Of course, I should be allowed to do it free, now, for coming up with the idea. ;-)
The links in this post lead directly to an article about the Dayton Arcade. It's a rather strange idea for a website but it does make for some fascinating reading.
The Dayton Daily News reports approximately 500 people showed up to tour the Dayton Arcade during Urban Nights. I arrived early to find about 15 people outside waiting for tours to begin. More people were constantly arriving. I was there for photographs, as were many others. I don't know how much time I spent shooting but I came away with ninety images of the space and some of it's details. It was disappointing that visitors couldn't leave the ground floor. There would have been a lot more interesting photos if the second floor and the below-ground (food court) level had been accessible. I will post a link to my Dayton Arcade photo gallery as soon as it's online.
Urban Nights is here again. Tour the Arcade (you may not get another chance) and check out what's happening in the Oregon District. Click the subject of this post for a link to more info.
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The Law and Jake Wade (1958)
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The post The Law and ...
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